Daily Archives: Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Re-blog: A multitude of meanings in a mutual past

A multitude of meanings in a mutual past

By Eleanor Davey
29 April 2013

Rarely does a research project answer one of its key questions halfway through. This time, however, two years into work on the history of humanitarian action and after an event on the experience of the Middle East and North Africa, we have resolved our enquiry into whether there is ‘a common regional understanding of the meaning, origins and composition of humanitarian action’. The answer is no.

Of course, no one expected anything else, but the opportunity to consider the richness of this history – the wealth of the region’s traditions around the care for others, the depth of experience and expertise, and the variety of practice – made the point once again.

At the event, held in Amman, Jordan, concepts and moments of humanitarian action were discussed, from the nineteenth century to the present day, from Turkey to Yemen, from colonial governance to postcolonial government, international organisations and independent actors.

Motivation was a prominent theme. What inspires those who offer assistance to others at times of need? Is it important to understand their motives or is it the gesture that matters? This question was raised by Tom Woerner-Powell, whose research on El Amir Abdelkader, the Algerian leader and scholar, considers the legacy of Abdelkader’s humane treatment of prisoners of war in the 1830s and his work in protecting civilians from mass violence in the 1860s. His research certainly shows the significance of ‘humanitarian’ ideas outside of and prior to the foundations of the system as we know it.

Read the full article at:  A multitude of meanings in a mutual past

Call for Papers: UEL third International Development Undergraduate Conference on 9th November

Call for Papers: UEL third International Development Undergraduate Conference on 9th November

We are delighted to announce that the University of East London will be holding the third International Development Undergraduate Conference on 9th November.

The title of this years conference shall be; Development in an unequal world: Is there a path to equality?

It would be great if you would be able to attend this event and information on registering for this free event will be available shortly. We are now busy trying to spread the word about our call for papers so if you would be able to circulate the call for papers flyer attached it would be much appreciated.

Download Call for Papers

If you are a undergraduate student or have recently graduated, we would like to invite you to submit a paper to present at the conference this is a great opportunity to get academic feedback on your paper and gain experience presenting your work. (The requirements are outlined in the flyer attached).

If you have any further inquiries please feel free to get in touch; organization@uel-undergraduate-conference.co.uk.

Yours Faithfully,

Anna Klawe & Eleanor McGill

UEL International Development Undergraduate Conference
Web: www.uel-undergraduate-conference.co.uk
Email: organization@uel-undergraduate-conference.co.uk

Table of Contents: Vivre Ensemble, No. 142 (April 2103)

The latest Table of Contents for the Swiss-based jounral Vivre Ensemble has just been publushed.  Further details on Number 142, (April 2013) can be found as follows:

Le numéro d’avril de la revue Vivre Ensemble sort de presse. Au sommaire de cette édition: la révision de la loi sur l’asile, la « logique des camps » de la politique suisse d’asile ou encore un dossier sur le sort réservé par la Suisse aux demandes d’asile des ressortissants syriens.

Vivre_Ensemble_No42_uneEDITORIAL Accélérer les procédures? Une coquille vide
REVISION Asile: l’état d’exception
ANALYSE La « logique des camps » de la politique suisse d’asile
Politique d’asile Protéger les Syriens?
Le sort réservé par la Suisse aux demandes d’asile syriennes
Témoignage  »La Suisse nous ignore »
Chronique Monde Syrie, le désastre humanitaire
REFLEXION James Hathaway. Le demandeur d’asile n’existe pas
JURISPRUDENCE Pas de refuge interne en Afghanistan selon le Tribunal administratif fédéral
CARTE BLANCHE Immigration à l’Helvète  : Expulser les précaires pour favoriser les riches !

Link:-  www.asile.ch/vivre-ensemble/2013/04/11/ve-142-avril-2013/


Rich Wiles wins Palestine Photography Prize

Call for Papers: Traveling Whiteness: Interchanges in the Study of Whiteness

2nd CFP: Traveling Whiteness: Interchanges in the Study of Whiteness

October 18-19, 2013

University of Turku, Finland

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Mike Hill (University at Albany-SUNY) Dr. Philomena Essed (Antioch University)

The study of Whiteness emerged in the United States as a field of inquiry into the historical, social, and cultural aspects of Whiteness as a source of identity formation and socio-historical power relations. During the past three decades, the notion of Whiteness has been studied from a number of inter/disciplinary, theoretical, and geographic perspectives. As the study of Whiteness has traveled across geographic locations and scholarly contexts, it has become a subject of heated debates regarding its epistemological conceptualization, theoretical delineation, and methodological applicability.

“Traveling Whiteness” calls attention to the various geographic, socio-historical, and cultural contexts within which the study of Whiteness emerges. In particular, we are seeking to explore the following questions:

Where does the study of Whiteness appear? How does the notion of Whiteness transform in its multiple locations? How does it shape our understanding of race/racism? What epistemological, theoretical, and methodological challenges does traveling bring with it? How does Whiteness transform within specific inter/national, socio-historical, and political contexts?

What possibilities and prospects does traveling entail?

Possible topics for paper presentations, complete panels, and thematic workshops may include:

*       Social Constructions of Whiteness

*       Identity Formation and Whiteness

*       Race, (Anti-)Racism, and Whiteness

*       Ideologies and Discourses of Whiteness

*       Class, Social Inequalities and Whiteness

*       Gender, Sexuality, and Whiteness

*       Spaces/Places of Whiteness

*       Representational Whiteness

*       Legislation and Whiteness

*       Sporting Whiteness

Please email abstracts of 250 words for either 20-minute paper presentations or complete panels or thematic workshops, together with a max. 150-word bio, including name, institutional affiliation and position, phone number and postal and email addresses, to travelingwhiteness@gmail.com .

Abstract Deadline: June 15, 2013. Participants will receive notifications of acceptance by July 15, 2013.

For further information, please visit the conference website at:


For general inquiries, please contact the Conference Coordinator Aleksi Huhta, email: aleksi.huhta@utu.fi.

The Organizing Committee at the University of Turku:

Dr. Benita Heiskanen (Turku Institute for Advanced Studies and Cultural History)

Ph.D. Candidate Aleksi Huhta (General History) Dr. Suvi Keskinen (Sociology) Dr. Lotta Kähkönen (Gender Studies) Dr. Johanna Leinonen (Turku Institute for Advanced Studies and General History).