New Publications on Internal Displacement in Columbia and Bangladesh and Age-related Young People in Wales

Young Lives in Limbo

Young Lives in Limbo

Young Lives in Limbo: The protection of age-disputed young people in Wales.
By S. Clarke for the Welsh Refugee Council.
[Download Report]
(Source: Welsh Refugee Council,)

Colombia: Improved government response yet to have impact for IDPs
A new report by IDMC.

Colombia’s government, led since 2010 by President Juan Manuel Santos, has changed its discourse in favour of those who have suffered human rights violations due the conflict and violence within the country. However, it is yet to translate this into effective action to protect the rights of Colombia’s internally displaced people (IDPs) and other victims of conflict. Displacement has continued in 2011 at the same rate as in previous years, as have attacks on IDPs and human rights activists. IDPs continue to have only limited access to the basic necessities of life. (…)

Read the Overview (html / pdf)
(Source: IDMC).

Bangladesh: Progress on internal displacement response needed
A new report by IDMC.

Twenty years of armed struggle in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), pitting the armed forces and Bengali settlers against indigenous groups seeking greater autonomy, formally ended in 1997 with the signing of the CHT Peace Accord. The accord granted cultural recognition and a degree of self-government to indigenous groups and foresaw the rehabilitation of internally displaced people (IDPs), but the situation of displaced indigenous people and Bengalis has not been resolved. (…)

Read the Overview (html / pdf).
(Source: IDMC).

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